19th European
Space Weather Week

Bringing Space Weather, Space Climate, And Engineering Together

20-24 November, 2023

Toulouse, France


Call for Plenary and Parallel Sessions opens 31st of January 2023 and closes on 13th of April.

The ESWW is the main annual event in the European Space Weather and Space Climate calendar. It is an international meeting organised annually within the European Region in collaboration with prominent members of the European space weather and Space Climate community. It began as a forum for the European Space Weather community and has since grown into an international event with global attendance.

ESWW2022 will again adopt the central aim of bringing together the diverse groups in Europe working on different aspects of Space Weather and Space Climate: such as scientists, engineers, satellite operators, power grid technicians, communication and navigation specialists, people working in aviation, space weather service providers, STEM* practitioners. The ESWW is highly interdisciplinary by nature and actively promotes investigation of new technologies and approaches e.g. machine learning in a space weather context.

ESWW also welcomes space weather end users. End users constitute any group/organisation making use of space weather data and services. Fields include but are not limited to spacecraft operation, spacecraft design, space and ground based telecoms and navigation services, power distribution, pipeline operation, aviation safety, railway operators, insurance companies, civil contingency planning, and scientists.

ESWW is an excellent place to meet people, to exchange knowledge and ideas, to discuss the latest on solar activity, how space weather influences the earth environment on the short and on the long term and our technologies, and how to deal with space weather.

This year's edition takes place in the french city of space: Toulouse. The event is locally organised by OFRAME

*STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics